Saturday, September 22, 2012

Today is Damien's Birthday!

Happy birthday little man, you've made me so proud. This year, for your birthday, we've decided to do six acts of kindness for your sixth birthday.
Inspired by this video:

Birthday Morning Cocoa!

Our first act of kindness was to Create a Thank You card for a police officer, and bring it to him. You had so much fun drawing a picture of a police officer, and when we finally met him, you were so excited! He even let you wear his hat! Then you put his hat back on him.. Backwards! Silly boy.

Everyone was so great about signing your paper for you, to keep in your binder. I would like to make this a tradition for you, each year on your birthday. You're already excited about doing SEVEN acts of kindness next year!

Our Second act of kindness we decided to bring a plate of home baked cookies to the Firemen at our local fire department.. This was so much fun. We got to explore the big fire truck and all it's compartments. Then you got to explore the special operations truck.. You even got to hold the Jaws of Life! Before we showed up, one of the trucks had left with 5 of the fire fighters, but we were lucky enough to have them come back! You really loved all the attention they were giving you. They signed your paper and gave you coloring books too!

Our third act of kindness was to bring 6 carnations to a nursing home to put a smile on 6 peoples faces. We were going to go to Parsons Hill Nursing and Rehabilitation, but you decided you wanted to go to Holy Trinity Hospice Center. We went to the wrong door, and they almost didn't let us in, but we were lucky enough to find someone to let us in. When we entered the building, we found Nurse Lisa had let us in. You were so excited to explain to her all about your 6 acts of kindness for your sixth birthday. It made her cry very happy tears. She kept telling us that she thought we were angels sent from heaven to put a smile on their faces. There were only 5 residents living there, but one lady who worked there was having a rough tough time and was a little upset, so we gave her a carnation and she started crying too. She told you that you were a special little angel and that you made her day so much brighter. We handed out the last 5 carnations and everyone loved them. One of the gentlemen even woke up from his nap, and when you handed him his carnation he gave us the biggest smile you can imagine and started crying. Then he fell asleep hugging the carnation. It brings tears to my eyes, seeing and knowing what a special little boy you are. When we were getting ready to leave, Nurse Lisa brought you to the kitchen and gave you a glass of cranberry juice and we continued to talk about how special you are for your 6 acts of kindness. We left her with tears in her eyes, and hope in her heart, that everyone can see just how special you really are. 

After we left Holy Trinity, Nurse Lisa had left quite a mark on you, and you requested that we stop at church so you could pray. We had never been to church together before, but you insisted. So we went to the Church on the way to our next act of kindness. We walked in, and you got really nervous because it was darker than you had expected, but we had walked up to the front of the church and we sat down. Then you looked at me and said "But mommy, I don't know how to pray."  So we talked about it, and you decided to pray in your own way, and that is perfectly okay,. 

Unfortunately for the next three acts of kindness we couldn't get signatures, but that's okay!

Then we went on our way to do our 4th act of kindness. We went to our local grocery store and helped collect six shopping carts and returned them back in to the store. We had a lot of fun with that. You love helping me push the carts. 

Then for our 5th act of Kindness, we left coins in the dollar store for a little kid to find for a special treat! Boy, I wish I could have seen the look on that little kids face! 

Unfortunately we were able to complete our last act of kindness, but we will finish it some time this week!

Damien's 6th Birthday!

Happy Birthday little D-Man!